Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Settling down

Life is now starting to settle into patterns, and I can honestly say I am giving it my 120% effort.  Life in Japan is not at all like the first time I moved here.  Of course I was single then, but I really threw around cash like an idiot back then.   I have seen a couple of differences in people since I have returned as well, it could be like this nationally, or of course it could just be the area I am living in.  

1)      Really hot young mothers who look like they about to hit the club with a Gucci  stroller.  It looks like instead of adapting to a motherly lifestyle, they are adapting motherhood to their image.

2)      More chubby people.  Not a lot really, but it was a rare thing to see someone I would consider obese when I first lived here, now I see at least one a day.  This is nowhere near the US where it is common to see obesity, just an observation from a chubby dude himself.

I have also had photo filtering growing on me.  It seems like its popular lately to filter photos so they look like they are from the 60s/70s.  Instagram, through Iphone seems to be the number one way, but since I do not own an Iphone, I can’t use it.  I sometimes think of getting an Iphone, but most apple products smack too much of fashion for me.  People get them because it’s the ‘in’ product… If you get an apple, you are a stylish hipster, whereas if you have a PC… you just can’t afford an apple.  I am probably a bit off when I say that… but I have a tendency to not like what is in at the moment.   Anways, I found a free filtering program that is pretty damn cool here: http://pixlr.com/o-matic/

"We are hip individuals, absolutely unconcerned with what is trendy..."

I took some random snapshots around town today and filtered them when I got home.

I haven’t got a handle on teaching again quite yet.  That is because by the time I get used to a school, I am flipped to another school.  It’s a process I am not too fond of, but I suppose I will get used to it.